Friday, October 13, 2006

Season Changes

Whenever the seasons change I get homesick. But what am I getting homesick for? At first I thought it was for Memphis, but this most recent move has made me realize that is not it. I am not home sick for Chattanooga either. Yet, what I feel is the same thing that I feel every year at this time. I think it is a homesickness for periods of my life that are past. Those periods are made up of the relationships and events of those times. The two are interconnected becuase even if the same people were still a part of my life, the ways that we can be together and spend our time and workout our friendships will never be the same. I guess that is where the location fits in, a connection of a place with good memories. I miss my house on Florida Ave. When I am honest with myself, I remember that point in life as one filled with confusion about many things but along with that was the chance to spend time with some of my best friends during our first freedome from college without many of the responsibilities of being an established adult, Some of those friends are gone and some are still my best friends, although moved and married. I have learned that lack of growth and change is unhealthy but with growth and change often comes growing pains. Perhaps homesickness is a mix of new growing pains along with the mourning of relationships that are gone and changed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check out my blog.


6:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great definition of homesickness! Like when I'm "homesick" for Olomouc on a cold, cloudy day....I don't really want to be there right now--I want to recapture what I experienced there 11 years ago. And what great memories from the Florida House!!!!

7:33 PM  

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