Monday, October 31, 2005

New Job and Staining Slides

Guess what!!?? I have taken a third part time job! I decided I wasn't busy enough so this new job works perfectly. I'll be working for the real-estate company of a friend about 7-10 hours a week. This should be fun! What in the world am I doing trying to go into nursing? I hate being in a building all day!
On that note, we have been learning to stain slides in my micro lab. This is so cool. My favorite stain so far is nigresine. It is the most beautiful blue color and makes the organizm under the slide so attractive that it is hard to think of them as having the potential to be an evil pathogen. Last week we also did some stains with India Ink. What an interesting life scientist lead. Not only do they need to know about microorganisms but they have to learn about the properties of various inks. Certain types have a slightly positive or slightly negative charge. Depending on the charge of the organism being stained, it will either attract or repel the stain! We never talked about that in art class! Too bad I can't post slides from my lab here for you to admire.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

What is my problem

I scare the good guys away. There is no doubt about it. Someone please knock me over the head and tell me what I am doing wrong. I went to a concert tonight. It was fun! I danced, laughed, chatted with everyone around me, and I looked HOT! I know I did. I wore these nice stretchy jeans and an awesome red halter top with embroidery on it. It was fun. I had all the guys around me trying to dance with me and asking me why I wouldn't go out with them. So what is the problem? I don't like them. They are loosers, I sound like a snob but these guys haven't grown up. They are still living in an extended high school beer party, and I have no problem attracting them. Yet as soon as I meet a cool, interesting guy who thinks beyond his next TV show or beer, I seem to scare him away after one or two conversations....What is wrong with me???

Friday, October 21, 2005

Quote of the Day

Christianity is based on far more than naked human reason but by no means upon less. Though divine revelation carries us beyond the limits of rational speculation, it does not sink below the bar of rational intelligibility. -sproul

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Gymnastics Leotards

I wish everyone could see how cute my little gymnastics girls are when we start talking about their new leotards! When we pull out the catalogues and the "create your team design" books, they all become little fashion designers and have very definite opinions on the future image of the team. The intended new look was to be a shimmery silver leo with a swirl at the top leading into a sparkling black velvet neck line (I am still a bit bitter at the ugly styles we had when I was a kid, then again these new styles are a bit much) But the price has turned out to be greater than anticipated and we are having to move to option 2 which is as of yet undetermined...

Monday, October 17, 2005


Ok, so I am very happy with myself for using the above given term. In fact I have used it several times this week but I still doubt my ability to pull it out of the cranium in a stressful moment of verbal exchange.
But on to the point of this post. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for a guy to call a girl babe or baby or baby doll etc...? I think that it depends on the guy and the context. Anyway, I got on someone's case for calling me "baby doll." He apologized as he considers himself a liberated man of some sort. I wasn't expecting the apology, in fact the more I thought about it, the more I realized I sort of didn't really mind him calling me that b/c I knew it was just to make me mad or to be funny not because he really looked down on me. I am kind of surprised at myself. Shouldn't I be cheering for the victory of one more male put in his place in realizing the inherent chauvinism that exists in all males no matter how hard they try to think of women as equals? What does this say about me???!!!!

I have no answers for the above questions but for you curious males out there here are my conclusions on nicknames for women:

Baby Doll - this is bad. It reeks of male condescension. Of course if you are just trying to be funny, it could possibly be funny.

Baby - A guy can potentially use this term in a positive light regarding a female. But he should be wary and careful. He should probably be at least dating the woman he dares to call this...

Babe - this word can actually be used to the male's advantage. Every girl, no matter how into the feminist ideology she is, secretly wants to be considered "hot." The word "babe" can easily be used to indicate this hot status. However, the male should still be careful.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Justification Reminder

For you few but faithful who check my blog I just needed to clairify the fact that I only started this blog to figure out how it worked. I don't have any great wisdom or insight or political/spiritual truths I am trying to impart. The best thing I have found about it is getting to read your comments.

When bored eat donuts

Right now I am bored and I am craving donuts. (I don't usually like donuts). I wish that I had 1)a Fresh glazed yeast donut from Krispy Kreme 2) a Chocolate cake donut from Dunkin Donuts 3)a Sour Cream Cake donut with sugar glaze from either place. Along with this I would like a nice fresh cup of Celebes coffee from Greyfriars and a good book that I have never read before. Perhaps some nice like-mooded and sugary-interested people to join in the eating and reading would make this a completely perfect picture.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

And life goes on

I've had an interesting scenario lately with my next door neighbor. She lost her job, has two small kids and a boyfriend whose entire family has been staying with them in her little one bedroom apt. None of them work and she is the only one looking for a job. Well, she finally got up the courage to kick the family out of her place, they did nothing but live off of her anyway, but the boyfriend continued to hang around. I think, simply to use her car, which she would continue to let him do inspite of the fact that on more that three different occasions he took it out and drove it around till it ran out of gas and then just left it there. He'd call her and say, "your car is out of gas but I am not putting any more gas in it so if you want it you have to go get it." Now, why would you keep letting the looser borrow your car? Well she does and myself and another neighbor have been involved in driving around trying to help her find her car when it has been abandoned. (that was another thing, he could never really tell her where he left it). Well, she finally found a job and she came home from her job last night to find that looser boyfriend had pawned her television for $20 for cigarette money and supposedly for gas money. But of course he has not been able to find the money to give it to her. So she spent the next hour trying to call him to go get her tv back or to bring her the money. Of course he did neither and he also stopped answering her phone calls. I've told her she can do better than him. I asked her why she would continue to be with a guy who would steal her tv and her gas from her car etc...she refused to answer and she refused to call what he had done stealing. She then went into her crying routine telling me that her tv was all she had. I usually have some sympathy with her and have been willing to help her with gas on certain occasions, but this time I knew she really just wanted me to drive her accross town to get her tv and also to give her money for gas since she didn't have any money left. Not having a tv of my own, I couldn't find much sympathy for her on the need to have a tv right away, which she insisted she did. I write all this, not to complain about my neighbor but becuase I wonder how to show help and support to someone who has so many obvious needs but at the same time is willing to manipulate and not really change if she is getting what she wants. How to show her compassion with out condesension. How to help her and not just enable her to continue in her current lifestyle? I told her that I didn't mind helping her if it was b/c she was working on getting things straight but beyond that I couldn't do much. I hate feeling manipulated but I also want to stay sensitive to needs and bondaged mindsets.