I never thought to blame the federal government or more specifically the Bush administration for the horrible chain of events that took place in New Orleans following the hurricane and flooding of that city. That is, until I read the local newspaper, watched the television, and checked out several web sources on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday...following the flooding. Then I was puzzled. Weren't a few steps of blame missing? Didn't the city of New Orleans have an emergency plan for just such a disaster? After all, Katrina was not exactly a surprise. Not only did the entire country have the opportunity to view the swirling cloud on every iwitnessweather channel as it approached the gulf states (I would have taken up running again to get away from the coast, that was a big cloud!) but after last year's close call weren't the powers that be claiming that it wasn't a matter of "if" New Orleans were to be hit but "when"?
Finally I have read an article that puts some perspective on the issue. It is an editorial by Mr. Bob Williams in from 9/7
That's a good article! I agree that the local government was a little too laize faire about the whole thing. But, no one wants to blame them b/c they are democrats. That's my guess.
That's a good article! I agree that the local government was a little too laize faire about the whole thing. But, no one wants to blame them b/c they are democrats. That's my guess.
That's a good article! I agree that the local government was a little too laize faire about the whole thing. But, no one wants to blame them b/c they are democrats. That's my guess.
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